Friday, March 19, 2010

Scope of concern...

Not to everybody. Of late few tend not to use their brain. They come and go as they like. Their class and their time seems to be borderless. They appear but they are not using their brain and far from using their mind. My scope of concern has been challenged to the brim. My brain is meant for those who are really in need. Meaning my existence are for those who want to see their brain and mind being exploited to the fullest. And I am there to help. I have tried to make them realised the importance of knowledge and the need for more than a class hours and interactions in order to be a first class citizens. But change is hard to come by. I am narrowing down my scope of concern only to those who meant business here and now. I have my own schedule to be taking care of and that does not mean everything, everybody, and anytime. The bad should be weeded out. If not it can disrupt and stunt the growth of me and the others. There are many instances and examples when a true bad experience of one self can be a true teacher to one's life. I think they need the kind of bad experience whose scope of concern is borderless in time and place. If that is what they want so be it!

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