Sunday, May 10, 2009

Routine thought form and association...

It goes by many labels. Social and culture are among the popular terms being associated with thought form of a society or race. I would like to go beyond the understanding of culture and social to something personal. I have seen and heard a person, a teacher for example would say the same thing over and over again despite the change in age and experience. His years of being a teacher has led to the same thought form of various things that are well associated with his profession. The word `student' can unleashed an emotion to him either anger or delight. It has been like that for years. And some places could be phobic to him by just visiting a town and school where he used to teach before. Thought form and association can be a silent killer to one's mental state of mind if care is not being taken. One should get rid of any form of routine that could bring us to that scenario. One tip is that we must be mentally vigorous and creative in order to free our self from that unproductive mental state of mind. As for me, my regular exercise in order to free myself from that routine are thinking, reading, and writing, and GOLFING. Haha. How do I sound to you?

Kepada semua ibu diucapkan `Happy Mother's Day.'

1 comment:

HambaMaya said...

setuju!!! ada orang main golf, and some have a ketitir to play with.. hehehehe...