Friday, May 15, 2009

The Titanic Self...

Slowly it leaks and soon everything crumbles right in front of their very own eyes. Save the day by being humble and acknowledge the Greatness of Allah, the Almighty, and we shall be shown the path to righteousness. But many are locked in by the titanic exterior beauty and little did they realised small gesture of kindness matter..


HambaMaya said...

True.. this entry really tells it.. tapi, ramai yang tahu hakikat ini sebenarnya cuma masih belum sedar.. jangan sampai kita dikejutkan baru tersedar..

Anonymous said...

Adakah kita sedar mengapa terjadinya kejadian tsunami ini??
kapal yang begitu besar juga tak dapat menandingi kuasa pencipta sekalian alam ini...