Monday, August 17, 2009

Physical deception = perception

Are you suffering from an acute mental disease of perceptual kind? The disease is called perceptional syndrome. Haha. Don't panic. I am just writing on perception, a very deceptive and elusive topic. The deformity of a mind is his perception on something and somebody and place. The best word to describe it is exaggeration. Mind tend to exaggerate a lot on products, individuals and people and also on places. In reality they are just nothing and nobody, and nowhere. No big deal. Have you ever thought of somebody as great individual despite that he or she has already died? If you do, then you are suffering from a perceptional syndrome. Or if he or she is still alive an exaggeration occurs on his good life, status and contribution. We perceive inequality. In reality we are what we are only at physical level no more no less. As for the rest of what we own, it is only a deception. If you find it hard to follow what I am writing about, then sorry for the deformity. It could be you and it could be me. Hahahehe.

1 comment:

HambaMaya said...

Perception is the latest source of information, may it true or not..