Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Still in anticipation of making good a promise..

Life is full of anticipation, all good, little bad, and no evil. Would it stops? As for the students, today is today. Tomorrow is still seen as a promise. Thus they are always in anticipation of good and positive things to come. As for me, today and tomorrow is seen as making good of a promise. Promise of what? Enough of promises. It materialises everyday. It never stops. When would it stops? Don't know.


Anonymous said...

salam prof.
saya nak minta maaf bebanyak ye kalau pe yang saya dah tulis dah buat prof kecik hati...
saya betul-betul mintak maaf...
tadi ingat nak mintak maaf lepas kelas tadi tapi takut prof marah saya
tapi tadi saya dah dapat faham sikit pe yang prof ajar...lagi sekali ye prof maaf bebanyak...

Anonymous said...

jujur saya cakap memang sukar bagi saya nak faham.tapi saya akan cuba belajar dan faham kan.again sorry ye prof.