Friday, April 30, 2010

an act of tomorrow?

Are you conscious of the fact what kind of man or woman you are? If you don't then continue reading this post. Am I a man of the moment? Yesterday, literally speaking, I am a confused person. While invigilating at the dewan, I act and think in a manner I myself don't know who I am. Is it an act of yesterday, that moment, or tomorrow? Sorry, the details of what my act and thought at that time shall remain my secret. But you can make a guess. Haha. Make it a guessing game. I guess you are not too old to play that game.

Literally speaking I am a man of today. Thus it makes me an everyday man. What about you? Everyday I write. And not necessarily in this blog. Everyday i am struck by a lightning of ideas on something, somebody, and almost on everything! Does that qualify me as an everyday man? Some just could not move beyond yesterday. And many many more can't move beyond last week, or last month, or last year, or cannot think beyond last decade.What a pity for those who have grudge against someone that happens ten years ago!

I think this story would give you an idea what i m talking about. Have you ever experience receiving an sms reply after `two weeks' of sending it? Or you are a person who just can't wait for the next minute? An instant reply? But again that explains who you are. Is it good or is it bad? If it is a behaviour then it is bad. An analogy of mee segera is good for this. You are always for the mee segera at the slightest feeling of hunger. Then an instant mee is bad. Think for a while. Be a disciplined person but never ever let yourself be hungry for long. Think again. Search for a more suitable food that serves as an healthy diet. If you follow that tip then I can qualify you as a person of tomorrow. Because it is an act that can serve you beyond today. And it is good.

Question then, am I writing all these as an act of today, yesterday, or it is an act for tomorrow?

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