Wednesday, April 7, 2010


What makes a person different from another?It could be their feel for the VMGO (stands for vision, mission, goals, objectives). A `small man' managing a small store might feel he has realised his vision. Thus life can be very strict and disciplined at that point of his life time. He might killed to protect his assets. It is going to be the end of the world if others try to harm him. To another the small store is only realising an objective moving towards a bigger thing. Thus his life is full of jab, poke, and fun. He seems to be not serious with what he gets because he feels he has still a long way to go. Even a clerk would look upon his position as a dream comes true. He talks big and he talks success. But relatively speaking, his position is nothing near to a real success. His success level is only like achieving an objective to another ambitious person. But he sees his success differently. His world is void of conceptual perspective and it can be all physical consideration and calculation. So understand VMGO and think success and think conceptual.

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