Sunday, August 31, 2008

Merenung kemerdekaan...

Dilihat dari satu perspektif, kita memang sudah berjaya. Aspek asas bagi majoriti penduduk Malaysia telah dapat menikmati kemudahan air, api, balairaya, jalanraya, lebuhraya, pasaraya, pilihanraya, sekolah, dewan serbaguna,masjid, radio, TV, astro dan astro ria, IPTA, IPTS, dan berhari raya dan sedikit bersuka ria..Tetapi lumrah kehidupan `happiness is what we are and is measured by what we don't have.' Maknanya kita masih lagi merasai rendah diri dalam beberapa perkara dan diburukkan apabila bandingan dibuat dengan hanya segolongan kecil yang memiliki kemewahan yang berlebihan.

Pengembelengan banyak perkara, dari dahulu hingga sekarang, maka terjadilah dan terbinalah apa yang terdapat dilihat pada hari ini. Peristiwa lampau dan hanya aktifnya 51 tahun yang lepas telah merentasi ruang masa kita dan membawa kesan pembangunan negara yang terlihat hari ini. Itu tidak dapat ditidakkan dan diketepikan begitu sahaja. Dengan adanya emak bapak kita maka kita lahir ke dunia ini. Ada individu yang lahir di zaman Hang Tuah, ada di zaman Datuk Bahaman, ada yang lahir di zaman Jepun, ada yang lahir di zaman komunis, dan ada yang lahir di zaman penjajahan British, dan ada yang lahir di zaman kemerdekaan. Di segi `choice' atau `pilihan', kita tidak dapat memilih zaman mana kita hendak berada dan kepada siapa dan di mana.

Syukur Alhamdullilah, hari ini Malaysia masih berada di landasan yang merupakan penyambungan `landasan' yang bermula pembinaanya di zaman yang lampau lagi. Perbezaan dulu dan sekarang sangat ketara sekali. Satu elemen perbezaan yang sangat disyukuri adalah pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh penduduk negara ini. Boleh dikatakan kita semua memiliki `developed oriented mind' yang boleh digunakan untuk menjana ekonomi atau menghasilkan keperluan yang kita sebagai rakyat memerlukannya. `When comes to material needs we are almost there economically.' Jadi apa yang belum?

Pandangan peribadi saya ini mungkin ada yang bersetuju dan ada yang tidak. Tidak apa. Kata orang di negara yang demokrasi ini, kita bersatu dalam perbezaan. Amat malang sekali jika kita berbeza dalam menuju keruntuhan. Perpaduan yang sebenarnya bagi sesuatu negara adalah hembusan nafas dan keriangan silaturrahim antara satu dengan individu yang lain. We are together, there is no doubt about that, but are we truly together in terms of mind, spirit, and soul? Keharmonian sesebuah negara itu tidak ditentukan dengan kekayaan material semata mata tetapi juga merangkum perkara sosial dan mencakup soal susah dan senang, soal miskin dan kaya, soal rumah yang tidak beretangga, soal atap yang bocor, soal kereta yang rosak, dan soal hati yang remuk dan hilang teman.

Disimpulkan, adakah diusahakan persiapan diri, mental, fizikal, dan aspek agama kerohanian dan batin dalam menghadapi zaman gemilang? Agak malang, wlaupun gemilang fizikalnya, tapi dimana kegemilangannya? Sebagai ukuran, kegemilangan hanya dapat dirasai jika ada perasaan rendah diri dan kesyukuran hasil dibina diatas landasan dan amalan yang sentiasa mengingati kebesaran Allah yang Maha Pengasih lagi Penyayang.


Road to independence
In 1954 Abdul Rahman led a delegation to London to seek independence for Malaya, but the trip proved to be unfruitful. The British were reluctant to grant independence unless there was evidence that the different races in Malaya were able to work together and cooperate in a new and independent country.Race relations was the cause of Onn Jaafar stepping down. He wanted UMNO to be open to the Chinese and Indians but UMNO members were not ready to accept this. His successor, Abdul Rahman saw a way around this by forming a political alliance with the Malayan Chinese Association called the Alliance Party. The coalition proved to be popular among the people. The Alliance was later joined by the Malayan Indian Congress (MIC) in 1955, representing the Indian community.In the same year, the first federal general election was held, and the Alliance Party (Perikatan) won fifty-one out of the fifty-two seats contested. Abdul Rahman was elected as Malaya's first Chief Minister.Tunku Abdul Rahman proclaiming Malayan independence.Later in 1955 Abdul Rahman made another trip to London to negotiate Malayan independence, and 31 August 1957 was decided as the date for independence. When the British flag was lowered in Kuala Lumpur on independence day, Abdul Rahman led the crowd in announcing "Merdeka!" (independence). Photographs of Abdul Rahman raising his hand, and recordings of his emotional but determined voice leading the cheers, have become familiar icons of Malaysian independence.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Kejadian dan Menyayangi

Topik ini agak terkeluar dari apa yang pernah saya tulis. Tak mengapa, ada masa elok juga menyimpang dan cuba merasai hati kita yang sebenar. Tuhan menjadikan kita dengan selengkapanya termasuk perasaan sayang yang melimpah-limpah. Wadah kehidupan amat luas sekali dan mencakup kehidupan yang mana kita sendiri tidak dapat berada secara fizikal di tempat yang mana kita ada perasaan sayang tadi. Kita sayang kepada kehidupan yang berterbangan , kita sayang kepada kehidupan dilaut dan di bumi, dan kita sayangkan seseorang yang jauh daripada kita. Itu lumrah erti sayang. Allah yang Maha Besar telah memberi persaaan kasih sayang yang agak banyak kepada seseorang kerana wadah kehidupan itu sendiri mencakup kesemua itu baik dekat mahupun jauh. Dan jika kita menyayangi seseorang yang jauh, itu tidak dianggap aneh kerana dengan tersendiri membuat kita akur kepada kebesaran Allah yang menjadikan sesuatu dengan perasaan sayangnya sekali, lantas berlakulah pengurusan yang bijak kepada kejadian tersebut walaupun jauh di segi fizikalnya.

Friday, August 29, 2008

And now the devil in anything and everything...

We are being brought up with positive values of life. From small till now, in newspapers, on TV, in seminars and conferences, we are being presented with nothing short of anything but good values in family life, culture, and work matters. What a rude shock when the realities of life ranging from anything to anything are the act of suppression by those with a devil heart. Just try to be near someone and listen to the sound of silence, what do you hear? A kinder face does not reflect a kind heart. Beware..A kinder face can reflect a downright feel of hatred towards others. A good deed indeed when seen in action, but what lurks behind and in silence is none other than an evil intention that aims towards nothing but destruction!

Connectedness and the Challenge..

The degree of connectedness is just frustrating. I am connected to the world, but they seem lost in their fantasy of youth world. Well, there is a connection but connected not in the manner I want it connected. The watch shows 11.45 am, and we are being cut off. Why? Tomorrow is a holiday. And the thought of tomorrow is taking the centre stage in their thought. They are not with you. They are not with the subject. What is more frustrating, they seem to have a little understanding of what being said. As such, to reach out and able to touch their domain of understanding has become an obsession with me. And that is the challenge and I am going to see it happen. Can I? Let us see..

Banyak Sangat Pintu Rahsia...

Sebelum terlupa, dalam syarahan saya tadi ada saya mengemukakan istilah `pintu rahsia.' Dalam kursus pemasaran, selalu sahaja kita disogokkan dengan istilah `psikologi dan persepsi.' Kesemua istilah ini ada membawa unsur kerahsiaan seseorang atau pelanggan. Ini lumrah pemasaran. Dan disitulah terletaknya rahsia kaedah-kaedah yang menjadi bahan bidang pemasaran. Ingin saya menghurai perkara ini dalam nada yang lebih mudah lagi.

Prinsip agong yang patut dijadikan asas kehidupan yang bahagia adalah prinsip keterbukaan dan perkara perkara bersabit dengan `kerahsiaan' patutlah dikurangkan. Tetapi apa yang berlaku adalah sebaliknya, diri kita dipenuhi dengan `pintu-pintu rahsia' dan hanya satu atau dua pintu sahaja dibiarkan terbuka. Itu pun kerana terpaksa kerana sudah menjadi amalan umum masyarakat tersebut untuk didedahkan. Lantas pemikiran, percakapan, dan perbuatan tidak menampakkan kreativiti kerana disebabkan keterbatasan yang dicipta sendiri iaitu segala-galanya adalah rahsia.

Tunggu sambungannya...

The Devil in Pricing...

He lashes out at those culprit who has little respect for values of good life together as a society, no matter where they are. Money and the love for more and more money can make a company lose sight of his true mission in seeing a world with less hunger and poverty. He studies the good, the bad, an the evil in pricing. But when comes to impelementation, it is very much a work of a devil in disguise.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Anwar sworn ini..history in the making

NST reports: Anwar sworn in
By : EILEEN NG at the Dewan Rakyat


After an absence of 10 years, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim finally returned to parliament.

Wearing a black Baju Melayu, the PKR de facto leader lifted his right hand and was sworn in as the Pematang Pauh MP in the Chambers at 10am.The seven-minute oath-taking ceremony, which took place immediately after morning prayers and before Question Time, was witnessed by speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia, Anwar's family, ministers Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim and Datuk Mustapa Mohamed and MPs from both sides of the divide.

"Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I Anwar Ibrahim, as an MP, do hereby swear with all honesty that I will fulfil my duties honestly and will defend and protect the Constitution, " he said to thumps of support from the Opposition block.After the ceremony, he went back to his allocated seat, located at front row of Block H, which directly faced the seat of prime minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Pandikar Amin also announced Anwar's appointment as the Opposition leader."I am satisfied that the Opposition block unnanimously agreed to this and starting today, he is the Opposition leader," he said.In congratulating Anwar, Pandikar Amin expressed hopes that the PKR leader would render his services effectively.

Sebagaimana Barack Obama, peristiwa Anwar Ibrahim tidak kurang juga sensasinya.Saya merasakan ramai rakyat Malaysia akan merasa terharu dengan peristiwa pagi ini di parlimen di mana Anwar Ibrahim mengangkat sumpah menandakan kembalinya beliau selepas 10 tahun di lambung berbagai peristiwa di luar sana. Tetapi kali ini beliau hadir semula bukan sebagai wakil BN tetapi sebagai Ketua Pembangkang Pakatan Rakyat.

Obama..history in the making...

DENVER - Barack Obama swept to the Democratic presidential nomination Wednesday night, a transforming triumph that made him the first black American to lead a major party into the fall campaign for the White House. Thousands of national convention delegates stood and cheered as they made history.

Former rival Hillary Rodham Clinton asked Democrats in the convention hall to make their verdict unanimous "in the spirit of unity, with the goal of victory." And they did, with a roar.

saya sangat tersentuh dengan peristiwa ini kerana Barack Obama adalah seorang yang berkulit hitam, dan sejarah Amerika Syarikat tidak dapat dipisahkan dari penganiayaan orang kulit hitam ini sebagai hamba abdi. Dan hari ini bukan sahaja mereka sudah bebas tetapi membuat lonjakan ke pencalonan sebagai Persiden Amerika Syarikat.S

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Keluhan seorang yang tidak difahami...

Hari ini adalah hari terakhir Johari di akademi ini. Sudah tiga tahun dia berada di sini untuk melengkapkan diri dengan berbagai perasaan, emosi, dan pengetahuan yang berguna bagi persediaan menghadapi hidup di luar sana. Tapi sayang seribu kali sayang, ada yang mengatakan bahawa Johari ini adalah seorang yang susah hendak difahami. Mengapa? Dengan tulisan ini diharap kita dapat mencari jalan menyelesaikan masalah yang dirasa oleh Johari ini.

Johari tidaklah bersendirian dalam melalui kehidupan sosial yang begini. Di merata cerok dunia, baik di kampung mahupun di bandar, baik di Malaysia mahupun di negara lain, senario sosial seseorang dengan orang lain adalah lumrah. Yang menjadi masalah apabila kita sendiri menganggap nya satu ciri yang negatif. Ada yang mengangap bersendirian ini adalah satu kebiasaan dan tidak perlu risau. Tetapi kepada yang tidak mempunyai hati perut pula, dia akan merasakan lebih bermartabat lagi sekiranya dia tidak difahami. Maka berterusanlah hidup dia dengan keegoaan dia.

Marilah kita melihatnya dari sudut pembinaan diri yang mana perasaan negatif atau positif ini boleh disedari dan apabila itu berlaku maka terbongkar rahsia diri dan masalah kita tadi.

Saya berpegang kepada prinsip 1/99. Pasarana minda dan pemikiran seseorang memanglah susah dikongsi bersama. Perkongsiaan atau keserasian 100% bagi dua insan adalah satu senario yang mustahil. Saya sentiasa mengandaikan bahawa apabila berjumpa atau terjumpa dengan orang lain, kenal atau tidak, hanya satu peratus persepsi yang aktif yang mana samada kita atau dia dapat dimengerti atau difahami. Lantas 99% set yang lain akan terus hidup dalam dunia persembunyiannya atau alam `buniannya.' Jika kita tidak berbuat apa apa, anjakkan kesedaran terhadap orang lain atau kesedaran orang lain terhadap kita akan tidak berlaku. Yang tersembunyi itu bukanlah persepsi tetapi realiti diri kita yang sebenarnya. Realiti diri ini puncanya orang lain tidak memahami kita mungkin disebabkan perasaan yang tidak menentu berlaku kalau realiti diri kita diketahui umum. Adakah kita selesa dengan keadaan itu?

Bagi para intelektual atau seorang profesional, realiti diri adalah satu aspek kesedaran yang perlu diurus dengan bijaknya. Dengan adanya kesedaran ilmu terhadap keberkesanan satu satu bidang itu, terdapat realiti diri yang tidak seharusnya disembunyikan kerana kalau ianya berterusan, sampai bila bila pun persoalan yang sedang diusahakan penyelesaiannya akan terus tidak difahami.

Bidang pemasaran banyak memperkatakan perkara bersabit dengan aspek dalaman seseorang pelanggan itu. Sebagai seorang profesional dan pengurus yang bijak, kita jangan membiarkan pelanggan dengan alam fantasinya tanpa kita mengetahui apa yang sebenarnya yang tersembunyi.Lantas usaha patut diperlipat gandakan bagi mencungkil aspek realiti diri dalaman pelanggan ini bagi mengetahui apa sebenarnya yang dapat merangsang dia untuk membeli apa yang dijual. Kita hanya melihat pelanggan tadi dari persepsi yang aktif dan umum ciri dan sifatnya. Untuk berjaya, itu tidak mencukupi untuk dijadikan bahan untuk mengenal dia dengan lebih mendalam lagi. Jika elemen realiti dalaman diri adalah faktor penentu yang utama kepada pembelian, maka usaha patut dicari bagi mengatasi masalah yang dianggap rumit ini. Dengan berbekal teori pemasaran yang sememangnya teruji keberkesanannya, segala masalah akan akhirnya terlerai juga.

Berbalik kepada persoalan Johari yang sukar difahami, tidaklah merupakan masalah yang besar mana dan menyebabkan hidup kita tidak berketentuan arah. Kesemua itu adalah lumrah yang boleh dianggap pusat kepada usaha manusia mengejar kemajuan dalam apa jua bidang. Justeru, ia akan membawa kita kepada tahap pengetahuan yang mana akhirnya dapat menguasai rahsia bidang yang diceburi. Ingatlah: hidup yang berbagai dan cabaran yang berbagai adalah realiti pentas dunia yang sememangnya begitu. Take the challenge!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim won...

NST Reports...


THE Permatang Pauh By-Election was won by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. At the end of the vote count at about 9:47pm, the PKR de facto leader received a total majority of 15,671 votes to beat BN's Datuk Arif Shah Omar Shah.
The results at the final tally are:Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim: 31,195 votesDatuk Arif Shah Omar Shah: 15,524 votesHanafi Hamat: 92 votesMajority: 15,671 votesTurnout: 81.01%

Monday, August 25, 2008

Permatang Pauh By-Election..a behavioural analysis

I am just an amateur when comes to political analysis. It is good for our mind to come up with an analysis as to who would win the election tomorrow - Anwar Ibrahim or Ariff Shah Omar Shah? What I am looking for is the x-factor in both the candidates, or rather who has more of the x-history leadership factor or quality. Throughout history, a leader has always been associated with some traits that are meant for the so-called historical winner and the historical loser. Leaders are the maker of history of a country. Good or bad it does not matter, but history has given them a role to play. Anwar, judging from his physical traits, he is fast, quick in movement and in talking, the kind of individual that history seems to favour. Judging from reports from here and there, he would be the winner. But a winner today might not be a winner tomorrow. Or history too might be kind to him in the sense, a winner today and a historical winner tomorrow. So let us see..

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Belum sampai pada masanya..

Pernahkah kita berdepan dengan senario yang mana seseorang itu tidak menampilkan siapa dia yang sebenarnya? Ada dua kemungkinan. Sebab yang pertama sangat mudah dibicarakan. Dia sememangnya seorang yang tidak upaya untuk menampilkan dirinya kerana kerkurangan pada dirinya sangat banyak termasuklah tidak berpengetahuan. Dia mengambil sikap hanya sebagai pengikut yang sentiasa menerima tunjuk ajar.

Apa yang menjadi fokus perbincangan saya ialah golongan yang kedua ini. Dia adalah seorang yang sangat menjaga hieraki sosial dan memberi ruang kepada orang lain kerana orang itu adalah orang yang `lebih tinggi' daripada dia disegi umur, darjat, pangkat, dalam apa jua talian, baik kerja, keluarga atau budaya. Dia hanya bertindak sekira dia telah sampai ditempat yang sepatutnya dia berada. Dalam pada itu ada individu yang mungkin kurang pengetahuan atau pengalaman akan melakukan sesuatu yang semacam `melanggar ketertiban peradaban talian ini.' Lantas individu ini akan cuba menguasai keadaan dan jauh sekali dari menghormati hak orang lain. Tetapi penguasaannya akan berakhir selepas `benteng' yang selama ini tempat dia berpijak telah tiada lagi. Sebagai seorang yang mengetahui dan mendalami hal ini, kita janganlah mudah terpengaruh dengan unsur `pecah belah' yang mungkin terjadi kalau tidak diteliti dan diawasi. Kesedaran yang beginilah yang kita akan jadikannya benteng kepada asakan demi asakan yang mana kita tidak boleh berbuat apa apa kerana belum sampai masanya.

Senario yang telah diperkatakan tadi boleh berlaku dalam hal hal sosial, budaya, politik dan pemerintahan. Dalam keluarga misalnya, ada perbuatan yang sangat bercanggah dengan hukum dan peraturan berkeluarga sehingga membawa kepada perbalahan yang berpanjangan. Begitu juga dalam hal kemasyarakatan seperti berpolitik dan berkerja. Ada individu yang cepat naik cepat turun, cepat ketengah cepat ketepi, yang kesemuanya menampakkan kerakusan dan cuba membolot kekayaan secepat mungkin.

Jadikan ilmu dan disiplin diri sebagai benteng kepada kerakusan itu. Biar lambat, tetapi apabila sampai pada masanya, segala-galanya akan mengambil tempat, betul pada masa dan keadaan.
Dalam menghadapi ini semua, rangakaian benteng yang perlu diperkuatkan: berilmu dan bersabar, dan perteguhkan iman kepada Allah yang Maha Mengetahui lagi Mengasihani.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

On Reading and Understanding...

What is an understanding? Actually the terrain of our brain is soft and spongy. It can absorb anything and can come up with anything. But it can be hard and barren if you don't do any reading. Reading is not the food for the the thought, it serves as a fertilizer to ensure brain fertility. So in another words just read on any topic despite of little understanding or misunderstanding of the topic initially. What might results from it, is the growth of all sorts of understanding taking the form of what you can see best in your mind. And you know what? That understanding is none other than `your unique and genuine understanding and now has become your knowledge and thus part of you.' Remember, no two persons would understand the same thing in a very similar fashion.

So keep on reading and the growth of your understanding would take the form that you yourself has never thought about it before. But I could not imagine a brain that is hard, dry, and barren because of one's ignorance on the benefits of reading. Things and opinions then are so fixed and it has become a fixation as can be seen in some culture that has not been touched by modern civilization. So opened up to the world by doing at least a small and minor reading of anything for a start. Then be ready for a big surprise, the world is then all yours. Not only that, with reading you can create worlds of worlds of anything and everything. Good luck in your reading...

Friday, August 22, 2008

Yes, it is today...!

Such a frightening phrase for those who knew the secrets in what we called it as `today.' We are happy because if things happen just like we have planned it. Today is a day we are looking forward to very much if we are going for a vacation overseas, for example. Are we ready for what is going to happen today? Is today is just like any other day? Or today is a day to be remembered for life? Well, you might have planned it long time before, and would it materialise today? Sometimes we feel, the good and the bad is not in our power to determine it. But it is in our power to plan. Yes?

Today is a day that shall be feared most, and not yesterday and not tomorrow. Why? I myself do not know the answer. Might be, we feel secured with yesterday because yesterday was over and done with, and tomorrow has yet to say its piece and for now we also feel secured, half secured, so to say. But that sense of security slowly erodes away when we are being ushered to a new day that is today. Our confidence a short time ago is so near can be now a 100 miles away!! What a plan...!

And today is here and now, and everybody has to be positive about today's coming, for the good day hours are not that long. Be it a good day, a bad day, or not so lucky a day, a day is a day that is not that long. It is just a day's life, a day's work, and a day's sweat. Don't continue it during the night because day and night are entities of different base foundation. Days are governed by the good thoughts and brain whereas night are controlled by the heart and the emotion. We might be displaying the hard and cruel stubborn self during the day as compared to the young and tender heart during the night. When tomorrow comes, say it in a productive and positive tone, `yes, it is today...!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Entah mengapa...

The feelings of the past keep coming back. Semalam saya dan isteri ke Batu Pahat kerana ada kenduri yang hendak dihadiri. On the way back, the old feeling start coming back one after the other. Kenang kenangan lama di Segamat, di Batu pahat dan kenang kenangan tahun tahun silam mula mengambil tempat dipersada perasaan saya. Seronok juga apabila berada dalam alam yang lepas. Apa tidaknya, apabila persistiwa itu sedang berlaku, tak kiralah apa peristiwa itu, seolah-olah pemikiran kita tidaklah sepanjang mana, maksud saya tak pandang jauh. Sekarang hanya menjadi kenang kenangan dan disimpan rapi dalam lipatan sejarah kehidupan. Allah Maha Besar lagi Maha Mengasihani, tidak terjadinya sesuatu melainkan dengan kehendaknNya jua. Difikir secara singkat, kita akan bertanya mengapa perkara itu berlaku. Tapi jika dijengok dari sudut jauh, kita tidak dapat menidakkan hikmah disebalik sesuatu kejadian itu.
Tiba di rumah jam 7.30 malam. Feel very fresh and ever ready to face the world tomorrow.

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Genuine Lover....

Today, to write short, brief, and precise on the topic `the genuine lover'. To me the word `lover' has a broad representation of almost anything and everything, for example, in being a genuine politician who genuinely fought for the people, or to a genuine love of being a king who loves his subjects. As a person who loves world peace, it is my genuine desire and concern for situations that are far from polluting the lovable state of things. An environment that is conducive to producing something productive should always be charged with the loving feeling of genuine love as to what one is doing. But something might intervene that can corrupt the smoother of things. Be wary of the potential `pollutant.' The `pollutants' can be the reluctant, the ignorance, and the selfish.

I don't really mind with the `reluctant' and the `ignorance' and handling them is not so much of a problem because they are somewhat obedient in their act and decisions. Giving them time, they will become a better person. But if ever there is a war that might broke out, it is a battle between the `genuine lover' and `the selfish fighter'. But the problem is, who is the genuine lover as opposed to the selfish fighter?

There is no clear cut criteria as to identify these two groups of fighters. They are pretty much the same when judging from several angles. But one thing for sure, experiencing with the selfish fighter, if you are not careful will make you a dead meat. You are just mere pawn in his or her bid for winning. He or she might be relentless and cruel and means justifies the end. After achieving what they want from you, they would move on finding another victim. As for the genuine fighter, they are real to their cause. They see you as part of their fight. And if ever they won, as with others who has helped them, you too are well remembered and might be decorated with gallantry medals.

The by election in Permatang Pauh shall see the various groups fighting with each other in order to win the election. Who would win the by election on the 26 of August 2008? I don't know, but it is my fervent hope, the group that display the true genuine spirit of honesty and integrity and real fight for the people shall won the day. Who would they be?

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Bahasa, Kefahaman, dan Perubahan...

Suka saya mengingatkan kepada diri saya bahawa bahasa adalah bunyi dari mulut kita yang mana orang lain dapat dengar maka berlakulah tindakan darinya. Tulisan hanya datang selepas itu. Daripada sekolah lagi kita sentiasa menganggap kelas bahasa sebagai matapelajaran yang sungguh istimewa kerana unsur peradaban bangsa yang terdapat padanya. Malah ia merupakan matapelajaran `per se' istimewanya sehingga dirasakan terpisah dengan lain seperti matapelajaran sains dan matematik. Tidak merupakan perkara yang pelik jika seseorang pelajar itu menguasai matapelajaran bahasa Melayu dengan baik tetapi tidak dalam matapelajaran sains dan matematik.

Itu senario ketika itu. Sekarang senario itu mungkin tidak relevan lagi. Saya adalah antara orang yang tidak mengendahkan peradaban pada bahasa. Pada saya maksud itu mesti diutamakan dan bahasa akan terjadi dengan sendirinya. Walaupun saya adalah seorang yang banyak membaca buku, tak kiralah Inggeris atau Melayu, bahasa tidaklah merupakan penghalang kepada saya, kerana saya akan mencari kefahaman dulu dari pembacaan tersebut dan ketertiban bahasa akan dirasai kemudian. Kalau boleh saya mengungkap kata begini, kefahaman itu adalah cetusan dari dalam seseorang individu dan tidak bercirikan mana mana bahasa. Dan bahasa itu hanya kita cetuskannya demi berkomunikasi dan terjaminlah keakraban ahli masyarakat keseluruhanya dalam segala aspek kehidupan.

Bahasa dan berkomunikasi adalah merupakan wadah masyarakat itu berkomunikasi dan membawa kepada perpaduan. Tetapi apakah elemen utama fokus bahasa kita dalam menyatukan masyarakat tersebut? Kita orang Melayu tidaklah terkenal dengan `scientific mind' nya berbanding dengan bangsa orang barat misalnya. Pada mulanya bahasa kita banyak berkisar kepada soal pengamalan budaya, peradaban sosial dan adat pemerintahan. Dan kini ada peningkatan kepada bahasa dalam bidang pengurusan dan perniagaan. Bahasa yang digunakan oleh orang Melayu dahulu, tidak sampai kepada penerokaan ilmu manusia dan kehidupan bermasyarakat, alam, bumi, laut, udara, dan angkasa raya, dan alat reka cipta yang boleh membantu peningkatan gaya hidup yang lebih moden. Adakah bidang bidang itu terlalu misteri buat bangsa dan bahasa kita? Apakah bahasa kita masih lagi dirasuk dengan kata kata dengki dan khianat oleh mereka yang taksub berpolitik misalnya, atau demi mengejar keuntungan, TV kita juga nampaknya telah dirasuk oleh cerita cerita seperti `saka' dan sebagainya.

Suka saya membawa contoh yang mana orang Inggeris suka mengungkapkan kata seperti `what do you mean? Tetapi berbeza sekali dengan peradaban kita orang Melayu apabila kita berkata sesuatu kepada orang lain, kita agak berat hendak mengatakan `saya kurang faham apa yang hendak awak perkatakan.' Ini kerana peradaban tidak hendak atau jangan menyinggung orang lain itu sangat dipandang tinggi dan mulia oleh orang Melayu itu sendiri.

Ketaksuban kepada bahasa memang merupakan satu fenomena kepada sesetengah kita. Seni menulis lebih diutamakan dari seni memahami kepada apa yang ditulis. Kefahaman sepatutnya mendahului penulisan. Tetapi kalau kefahaman masih berada dalam keadaan kekacauan dan kecelaruan, maka penulisan hanya merupakan `penguatan' kepada budaya `cut and paste' yang sedang berleluasa sekarang. Apabila tugasan diberi, `the students do no go for the understanding, but they go for the doing.'

So try to understand what I am trying to say and not the language that I consider as only a vechicle to communication. And again I consider it as just a passing thoughts.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Rolling stone gathers no moss...

I did say to the students today that the weak can be so strong in some places, and so are the strong ones, can be real weak in some situations and places. But I did tell them of the purpose of the course they are pursuing. It is none other than to make them as versatile as they can be when facing different person in a changed circumstances and situations. Such an ambitious dream. Right? Yes and no. I did point out to them the role I play when I am lecturing to them. But is it truly me when I am lecturing to them? It is years of accumulated experience and depth preparation that make the lecturing and role played possible. Despite that, catch me at the wrong time and I might be on the wrong foot. So the moral of the story is never fear failure in the first instance it is just a first try out. What is of paramount is the learning spirit and moving towards perfection.

There is a saying which says the stone would stop rolling when it gathers enough moss. Or rolling stone gathers no moss. Well, what is the lesson we can get from that saying? There are two school of thoughts, one it is bad and the other is good. I subscribe to the second that sees rolling as positive. If you are always on the move it gives little chance of making your life boring. In fact life can be so active and full of thrill. It is an adventure. Till you can call it for the day, keep running and keep rolling...and see when and where it would stop. If it has to stop then stop. But if the energy is still there and you stop running for no valid reason, the stone then starts to gather moss. At this point, do you want to see your life stagnate?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Fated, the Powerful, and the Faithful...

Always there for the rescue. And that is the name of the game for the army of followers. Not to expect love from them, and the least one can get, is just a smile. Of all the happy tune and the solidarity of dance, it is the war dance that break the stillness of the morning silence. Of opportunities, improvement and skill, it is all theirs not others. If it is between my fortune and their ill-luck, heaven can always wait. The dare and the devil are meant for the have none and the colour blind. The eye runs wild, and the leg runs loose when seeing the golden eggs from the goose. The greetings are in the form of word bashing and tongue keeps on lashing at something not of their wish. The cry, 'let us be one, let us be together' when confronting the danger of a rebel from one's own dream. Only hands are extended for peace, when death seems to be imminent. Nevertheless, as for the fated and the faithful, they too are blessed with their army of followers. They are always there for the final rescue.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Feeling Drifted...

Looking into my past writings, October 1980 to be exact, I found this:

Feeling drifted, out of the universe to nowhere - a point - where there is no time - no place - just a vacuum. Feeling drifted - out of the universe - a unified of vision, movement, sound - I am lost and has no memory of myself. Who am I? Am I alive? Timeless time. No feel of place. No anxiety. No conscience. No pity. No love. Suspended in time. No ground. It is fluid. Building crumbles - time crumbles. Lost all sense of urgency - except felt a thread link with, don't know what. A thread of link with 'nothingness'..? Could not be...All broken up to pieces. Up. Up. Up. There I am. Suspended in time. No ground to walk on. Only a thread of link with...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Are actions the opposite of thoughts...?

On a personal level, I am not sure about myself either. What actually are my thoughts? Are my actions true to my thoughts? Some say, from the thoughts come the action. And what can we deduce from the actions? Living the way we are, it is no big deal in thinking about almost on anything, in or out of this world. Right? What about doing something? Actually, doing is the crux of the matter.. But on many occasions, it does not run parallel to thoughts...Or am I missing something here? Care to elaborate?

Why does thoughts and actions do not run parallel to each other? In normal circumstances, nobody runs away from good thoughts. We love to discuss good things anywhere everywhere and on all topics. But when comes to actions, both do not concur. Both go the opposite way. Are our thoughts for real? Or our actions are? But as far as thoughts are concerned not much we can go by. The domain of thoughts are inside us and sometimes very deep seated. But the truth to all existence are their actions and their overt behaviour in respect to A to Z. So what are we left with?

The two words `discipline' and `focus' can make thoughts and action run parallel to each other. But, by and large, culturally, socially, actions dictate matters overruling the positive, productive of individual thoughts. But stricter thought discipline that ties well with actions and behaviour would help tightening up life better. If that happens then we can guarantee the happiness of our personal life in relation to others and the environment which include wild life! As in all success story of anybody, it is the thinking that dictate the actions. As such, actions and thoughts are the mirror to each other. It is a unit. It is an entity, a productive one.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Fight for Independence...

Today, that sense of fight is being felt by me. It is not a fight against the British or the communists, neither it is a fight in the jungles, but it is a fight within me. It is a fight to believe what my eyes see, and what my ears do not hear. I don't t have to dig deep down into my brain to feel that intelligence, that stupidity, that selfish self or that kindness in other individuals. Just evaluate from what you see and the conclusion can be justified easily. How could that be? What about my analytical mind? Should anything and everything be first analyzed? Bull shit! Sometimes events are not that complex to understand. Trust your eyes, trust your ears, and have trust in the simple logic of unfolding events and things. For examples, the powerful, the rich and the famous would victimized the poor and the weak. The haves would not not extend any act of generosities and kindness to the haves not. But what hurts most are the smiles, the laughs, the greeting from the weak trying to coax you into giving and not taking. And they think they are the winner! There are no doubt , some have successfully achieve in their scheme of things and manipulation of others, but remember, the true winner is the one who laughs the last and it might not be them. When that happens, the fighting is over, then that will be the true day of independence!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Romance and perception..

Just to write on a small wonder topic of yesteryear and of to day and of tomorrow. Just like being struck by a lightning and swallow by a wave of tsunami. For a moment it is there and another it is gone with the wind. It never grows old and it never gets dirty. Some says it is made in heaven and some said it is just another version of Romeo and Juliet. We have our Laila Majnun and there are folks who see it as Uda and Dara. Tie me to the tree and kill me with the dagger. You can get rid of my physical body but not my soul. There is candle on the table and I am going to wait for you for ever. Sound sweet sweeter than honey, always creates a blister in my body. I never said the word romance not even once, but it has always being romantic day and night. Would there be a stop to all these feelings.? When one goes to sleep....

Sunday, August 3, 2008

All the good words and the good thoughts...

All the good words would make the difference in life. But there is a catch here. Good words follow good thoughts and good thoughts follow by good behaviour. I am not going to say it as positive. Good words and good thoughts has nothing to do with positive thinking. Why? Positive thinking is an effort. It needs an effort to have a positive thinking. Good thoughts and good words come naturally. Whereas positivite thinking take the whole system in you and replace with another. Which one do you prefer?

As an ordinary person leading an ordinary life living on an ordinary world, we should not be so over excited with life. Just let things go their normal flow with their own normal flow of innate energy. Unnecessary excitement can take your rightful shine in life and zap your energy away before it is time.

Only yesterday, I have dreamt of an awkward life scenario which I fail to make an instant comprehension of the event. But now I think I understand it. You know it is supposed to be a world cup where all the excitements are. But despite the electrified energy everywhere, when come to introducing the players, what happen is that the winning team just take the event as if it is an ordinary day and just an ordinary event. What about the over excitement of the crowd? In this case whom do you think would make good of their life? Surely the players of the winning team. The element of slow life and slow strategic thought is with them. As for the fan and their over excitement only serves as a supporting element in the strategy. But they are there not for long. Before you know the fans are gone. What is left is you and your own natural flow of energy and for some it is devastating. Don't let yourself being overpowered. But for those who understand, life goes on as an individual and don't let oneself being overpowered by the short and momentary excitement of the crowd and the fan. They are only part of your slow thoughts and slow move.

Well, so much of the winning formula of successful living. But I don't call it a formula as books of motivation often said. It is just doing things the way you are, just making good of your own slow system, mental and physical. Only all the good words and the good thoughts and actions, will make your day, today, tomorrow, and the future.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Freedom, love, and humanity...

The word freedom has been used in all sorts of human endeavour. Government and political parties are institutions that thrive on the word freedom. Just to state few examples of that word usage; freedom and independence, freedom and peace, freedom and wealth, freedom and hunger, freedom and love, and much much more.

What is good in being free and live in or for freedom? Is there such thing as absolute freedom? Freedom of expressions like what I am doing right now is also freedom. But do I have the freedom in expressing in any languages I like? There are comments pertains to me writing in English language saying that I am not patriotic. Are they trying to curb my freedom? To me writing is the result of listening to your inner voice. And the voices can be heard in many languages. And each voice is a culture in itself. Each voice evokes some kind of a feeling. To me English language is a language of love and humanity. Many Malays or Malaysians for that matter, can utter the expression of love to someone by saying `I love you' or `I miss you' but hard to express `saya cinta kamu' or `saya merindui kamu.' Two expressions and two languages would give a different shade of meaning. I don't know but could be.

Despite of the excessiveness in the use of the word freedom, has it not occur to you that all freedom is for sale? What I mean if you are very free in doing something and that something is really of high quality, then sell or find a market for it. So let us not be so rhetoric with the slogan freedom. Thus the bottom line to the word freedom is the question, "are we getting anywhere in terms of earning a livelihood?" And readers you are free in commenting anything on what I have said. But please not a personal attack like `semangat patriotisme saya dah luntur.' Comment on the contents please or line of my thinking. Remember gestalt psychology, the sum is not equal to the parts. What you have read is only a small part of me. You have to know a lot more on me before you can make a conclusion on me. Remember, to know is to love. And anybody is free to do that. It is indeed a happiness knowing someone who revered the expression of love and humanity.