Saturday, August 9, 2008

Are actions the opposite of thoughts...?

On a personal level, I am not sure about myself either. What actually are my thoughts? Are my actions true to my thoughts? Some say, from the thoughts come the action. And what can we deduce from the actions? Living the way we are, it is no big deal in thinking about almost on anything, in or out of this world. Right? What about doing something? Actually, doing is the crux of the matter.. But on many occasions, it does not run parallel to thoughts...Or am I missing something here? Care to elaborate?

Why does thoughts and actions do not run parallel to each other? In normal circumstances, nobody runs away from good thoughts. We love to discuss good things anywhere everywhere and on all topics. But when comes to actions, both do not concur. Both go the opposite way. Are our thoughts for real? Or our actions are? But as far as thoughts are concerned not much we can go by. The domain of thoughts are inside us and sometimes very deep seated. But the truth to all existence are their actions and their overt behaviour in respect to A to Z. So what are we left with?

The two words `discipline' and `focus' can make thoughts and action run parallel to each other. But, by and large, culturally, socially, actions dictate matters overruling the positive, productive of individual thoughts. But stricter thought discipline that ties well with actions and behaviour would help tightening up life better. If that happens then we can guarantee the happiness of our personal life in relation to others and the environment which include wild life! As in all success story of anybody, it is the thinking that dictate the actions. As such, actions and thoughts are the mirror to each other. It is a unit. It is an entity, a productive one.

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