Thursday, August 7, 2008

Fight for Independence...

Today, that sense of fight is being felt by me. It is not a fight against the British or the communists, neither it is a fight in the jungles, but it is a fight within me. It is a fight to believe what my eyes see, and what my ears do not hear. I don't t have to dig deep down into my brain to feel that intelligence, that stupidity, that selfish self or that kindness in other individuals. Just evaluate from what you see and the conclusion can be justified easily. How could that be? What about my analytical mind? Should anything and everything be first analyzed? Bull shit! Sometimes events are not that complex to understand. Trust your eyes, trust your ears, and have trust in the simple logic of unfolding events and things. For examples, the powerful, the rich and the famous would victimized the poor and the weak. The haves would not not extend any act of generosities and kindness to the haves not. But what hurts most are the smiles, the laughs, the greeting from the weak trying to coax you into giving and not taking. And they think they are the winner! There are no doubt , some have successfully achieve in their scheme of things and manipulation of others, but remember, the true winner is the one who laughs the last and it might not be them. When that happens, the fighting is over, then that will be the true day of independence!


Anonymous said...

apakah kaitan gambar seorang pakcik dengan kemerdekaan? adakah orang yang dikatakan tua adalah orang yang memperjuangkan kemerdekaan. sedangkan tanpa kita sedar golongan itu jugalah diantaranya pejuang kepada komunis...

apakah pula kaitan kamera yang dikendong oleh seorang pakcik yang memakai songkok itu? adakah sebagai satu alat propaganda kesejahteraan dlm konteks ingin mengenali orang lain atau sekadar impaks kepada pembaca agar membayangkan ada kesenian dalam tulisan kamu..

Hamdan said...

saudara asmara,

i write for fun. you can read between the lines or you just take it literally. that is what writing is all about. anyway thanks for passing by and read what i have written.

Anonymous said...

pacar asmara kedanaan tiada langsung sifat kesenian dalam membaca..
x bagus betul...
tualang 3..
u have interesting topic and story line..
why dont u be a full time write ??
sure many people will follow on u..

Anonymous said...

saya bukannya tiada seni sifat membaca, tgk saja gmbr tu dh tau. lgpun mmg sy tak bcpun apa yg ditulis oleh tualang ataupun tulang...hehe....jgn marah..

Anonymous said...

kenapa ayat pacar kedanaan seolah2 memperli seseorang ?