Saturday, November 8, 2008

Being rhetoric...?

Unconsciously, rhetoric phrase or words tend to rule the day. I am neither the president nor a prime minister of a country. But there must be something in me or you that can make you and me `the president' or `the prime minister' of something.

Don't strain our thoughts unnecessarily. But for the comfort of saying it, we say something that can create unnecessary tensions to our body and mind. And you know, I am good in bending things that others fail to do it. What do I mean? (I should not have used the word `bending').

Obama, in his first press conference says... "Immediately after I become president, I will confront this economic challenge head-on by taking all necessary steps to ease the credit crisis, help hardworking families, and restore growth and prosperity." "Some of the choices that we're going to make are going to be difficult," he said. "It is not going to be quick. It's not going to be easy for us to dig ourselves out of the hole that we are in." But he said he was confident the country could do it.

As a man grows older, he should not use the word that has to do with strength. It zaps the energy away. But Obama is a young man and he lavishly throw words to that effect. He uses the word `confront' , the phrase `dig ourselves out of the hole' , all represent unnecessary waste of physical energy. Being rhetoric in one's speech is an easy way out from confronting the real world. There is no such thing as a perfect world. But there is such word as `perfect thinking.' How ever slow the process of thinking, if giving it a focus, a new configuration would eventually configured and thus solving the problems at hand.

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