Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Seeing things with the big eyes..

It is a very small world indeed. It is a world very much to our own. I started it and I close it. Nobody helps to start it and nobody helps to close it. That is our world, a world of little and small appreciation. Generally, people don't see things with their `small eyes.' Life does not work that way. It always begin with the `big eyes' meaning we can't see the smaller aspect of someone appreciation for something until something happened. Is that weird?

I once has an obsession of appreciating pictures that depict life in its `loner' aspect rather than the `together' aspect. In the magazine of `Life,' their editorial philosophy is to portray life where there is no sharing. And to drive home the point, pictures of President Kennedy, President of Lyndon B Johnson and others are shown in a such a manner that depicts life they are experiencing is not being shared by others. `Lonely at the Top' that is the title given to the picture of President Kennedy looking outside from his oval office window. And there are sequence of pictures shown title `moment of death' depicting a rebel being shot by a firing squad and to this minute I can still remember the pictures vividly.

Thus the word `appreciation' has a connotation of the `small eye.' There are eyes that roam the world but it does not stop at anything or anywhere until the small eye catches or see something. And when it stops, it is no more seeing things with the big eyes, but you have found love in what the small eyes see. That is appreciation and could be an obsession. It is also the beginning of a life centered to oneself. You might experience happiness or sadness. That is what life is all about. Take it and you can't leave it!

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