Friday, October 24, 2008

Made in Heaven...

Yes! How could you separate writing and feeling. That is one tip to good writing. You might be asking me, `what about emotion.?' Emotion is of no help to good writing. If you happen to be emotional on something, just let yourself go by doing anything but not writing and eating! Talk to someone or enjoy the serenity of life near the sea or the padi fields. When you are almost over with the emotion, then only you start writing on what you have passed through and the success in overcoming the delicate situation. The emotion is gone, but the feeling is always there. Then only you start the writing of `hell' you have been through. That is what I mean by `feel what one's write' and feel the writing. When the writing is completed, it is not `hell' but what you have just experienced is the serenity of life made in heaven!

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