Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tolerance towards others..Are you..?

Today I am somewhat sombre in my outlook on life and other individuals. I am a bit forgiving. I am not angry. Understanding is a function of age, interest, and experience. The topic of profit is very appealing to those who are interested in business. Romance and love has large follower among the young people. Death appeals to the elderly and the old.

So when we talk on the theory of AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action), it is a theory that check-list all the appeals one's had towards something with reference to their age and experience and knowledge. (Advertising appeals).

Considering who they are, sooner or later they are bound to understand what you are trying to say. But communicating carries the element of here and now (think global act local). As for now, the young ones are deep in thoughts on how to tackle the girl next door. To some the appeals are the money and the success. But there are ladies out there who would go all out for that. They are the one with excessive hormones for indulgence in new year extravaganza.

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