Sunday, October 5, 2008

Tsunami kasih..

The supreme of actions is meeting others in person. All that glitters are not gold. The child at heart and the smile of regrets of the old are shown in some faces and look.Voices heard are of Anwar Ibrahim but heart of Pak Lah.

Back to our alone self, recuperating from dazed and confused thought after being hit by a `stone from heaven' and no known medicine can cure it. Luckily, a voice from the Gunung Semanggul was heard whispering, `your health is still intact and no sign of permanent hair and heart damage.' Do we still remember old friends, old relatives, or old `Socrates' for that matter? But there are friends, relatives, or `Hang Tuah and George Bush' whom we cannot relate any more. And some stories represent an out of fashion thinking and repeating the cliché and rhetoric of Saddam Hussein's `mother of all battles.' Soon they would become an actor or actress in the `Senario, Episod Terakhir.'

Hari Raya literally is over. But Tsunami of things are yet to engulf the life of ours.To some it is the end of a journey. But there are still others, surging forward, braving the Tsunami wall of waves, holding tight to a branch of a tualang tree, then being tossed back to the mainland..Menginsafi diri.. kepada Allah kita menyerah dan memohon semoga membawa kita ke jalan yang lurus.

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