Monday, October 20, 2008

Imperfect happens all the time..

Kita mesti menerima bahawa hidup ini dikelilingi oleh sejuta macam kepelbagaian. Ada buta, ada celik, ada bisu, ada pekak dan berbagai bagai lagi. Begitu juga di segi umur dan pengalaman dan tahap kekayaan, semuanya tidak sama. Yang penting kita sedar dan faham akan bermacam kepelbagaian itu. We just live our own imperfect life, imperfect knowledge and thus naturally imperfect communication. Thus communicating is not one way but many ways and multiple. But one thing for sure, there is no such thing as effective communication. It is all in the good brain and the mind regardless who is the sender and who is the receiver. Ada kah penulisan saya difahami..?


Anonymous said...

yup~understood!somehow the thougts of u is correct and it is true that most of us would always be selective in sending and receiving through communication..

Anonymous said...
