Saturday, September 17, 2011


This girl named Ain has been `bothering' me for quite some time now. Strictly a micro event. Too small to have me and others together in her picture. She stands all alone by her self. Never tend to be a macro one. She and her stories never meant to be shared. Micro only on parts and far from being a whole. It is all about her. It is all  about her sadness, happiness, and dreams. Nothing else. Not a turn towards me as a person. Why must it be so? Hard to understand. Her problems are like root digging of a very big tree in the forest. Mampu ke? In the process I might be buried and sucked in. Till when it would be over? Ain. Everytime, it is only about her. and nothing else but all about her stories one after the other.Satu dimensi dan rahsia hidup yang sukar difahami.Sangat tersendiri. Lepas satu perkara kepada satu perkara. Allahuakbar.

1 comment:

inni akhafullah said...

ain pn tmsok skli dlm blog sir...hehe..lme xdga cte sir..