Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tiba-tiba segalanya berdiri menegak sebagaimana fitrah...

Itulah kuasa ilmu yang sebenarnya. Tiba-tiba segala-galanya berdiri menegak sebagaimana fitrah. Tetapi adakah semuanya begitu? Pada satu satu ketika saya juga tidak terkecuali merasakan ada `penghalang' atau `tidak ada penghalang' satu satu perjalanan itu.Tidak sebagaimana haiwan yang dijadikan dengan semula jadinya boleh melompat jauh atau berlari dengan deras dan lajunya. Mengapa penghalang dirasakan tiada, atau mengapa banyak sangat penghalang? The stumbling blocks, is it all created by our own brain? At  one time, I see no rivers, I see no trees, I see no buildings, what I see is just everything is just not there. Writing is such an exercise where you see what you all the time feel what you see or you don't see. I write just to express knowledge in its raw form and that is it. Why all of a sudden I sense what others don't sense. I sense nothing but the ease and easy on everything. So be it. And that has become the basis of my created principles of other things. I see others having the same sense of ease and easy as it was found in me. A mile is not a mile to them. A mile could be hell to those who possess little knowledge of Allah's creation. Knows Allah in its `true context and form', and life and death then can be so sweet. Can we? Or should we?

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