Thursday, September 8, 2011


Generic. Only at that level when we first want to say about something. It is supposed to be the starting point of a lecture or a conversation. A common topic and a common point from customers of convenience products. Loses its simplicity when talking about an industrial product by an industrial buyer and an industrial producer. But still loses its complexities when seen by a common man. A threshold of understanding is different with different roles we happen to play. Sesungguhnya kita dijadikan berpasangan dan dalam konteks itu pasangan itu berpijak di muka bumi ini sama ada di bendung`simplicities' atau di bendung`complexities.' Dalam konteks `continuum' ada mula ada akhir, ada benda lama dan ada benda baru, ada ambil mudah dan ada tidak ambil mudah, dari saya dan kepada kita semua, ..Allah Menguasai ke atas Segala-Galanya.

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