Saturday, September 20, 2008

oddities in life...sedikit keganjilan..!

Mathematically, everything seems do not compute. It stinks! It should be yesterday not today. It should be done last year not this year. But it is today! Why you why me why she why he? How would I know? And why now? Oddities are everywhere. I got a sms telling me how I have been missed! Miss what? Miss kena tipuke? Rubbish. Not a word spoken when you have all the the time in this world to see me. One plus one is equal to two. But I teach my student it is not. It all depends what the one represents. One female cat plus one male cat, and after giving them time would lead to 5 or six cats. Wow! Bertrand Russel would woke up from his grave and salute me for that philosophy in mathematics. He has never come across that line of thinking before! Oh ye..orang mati mana boleh fikir kan..? Being crazy with figures would find yourself doing nothing but smiling while breaking your puasa. Bini tanya, tak puasa ke? Senyum je ni..ada ape ape ke.? Itu bini. Kalau Napoleon pulak? Beware of Napoleon! He would send you to the gallows. He hates philosopher. No wonder he was being exiled to St Helena to make him understand 1 + 1 = 0. Haha. I have to stop here. Odd! Tengah syok syok berhenti. Terlupa minum tongkat ali ke..?Bukan..Ingat tak awak kata Dr Mahathir, sebelum kenyang kena berhenti makan. That is odd! He is already 84, 85, whatever. He has to do that kalau tidak dia tak akan nampak angka 86. haha. Anyway, I have to stop here. Perut meragam!

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