Friday, September 12, 2008

A Rebel in Expression...

A rebel in Expression..Siapa ye..? I have come across a person who when expressing herself goes well beyond her physical self. She tends to use all sorts of expression or words that not even exist in a dictionary!And that `expression' define her tendency to rebel. Satisfaction to her when writing is describing something that can penetrate even the thickest of an iron wall. What an iron lady!!! I nearly experienced a knock out when first facing her in a boxing ring of words. Would I easily surrender when comes to facing her again? Lady, that baby face of yours is just irresistible...I am still coming!


soedaydah said...

wow..probably this iron lady has an outdated dictionary....or probably hasnt heard of this thing called to think of it i cld relate to her..i have dictionaries and encyclopedias from the 60s...where internet was waaay beyond their comprehension...kelakar sgt bile i even smells of the 60s..

soedaydah said...

oh and u have pictures now..are those ur kids?comelnye!!!!

Anonymous said...

wat sort of cute baby thre..
urs or u ?
but ensure that u r such profesional people..
beyond ur writing people can simply how u be..

Hamdan said...


Hari baik bulan baik saya nak paparkan gambar saya sekeluarga.

Kelakar? I got the feeling you tahu siapa dia kan, kan,kan..

Hamdan said...

Syarina ukm,

I nie lelaki lah syarina..lagi pulak gambar tu gambar baru..takkan budak sebesar tu dah pandai bermadah dan memainkan kata-kata.

soedaydah said...

hahahahh....feeling and knowing for sure are 2 very different things...mcm ni la,biarlah saya and all the other 'iron ladies' out there syok sendiri...walaupon it may be abt someone or something else or a fictitious character,syok sendiri itu best..everyone desires n perhaps need a dose of unadulterated affirmation of any sort,n that is hard to come by these days...ok bye!! saya nk pergi masuk bakul yg diangkat saya sendiri.